It’s been a big year for new feature enhancements on Envibe. From web cart improvements to customer watch lists for group fitness classes, 2023’s greatest hits are worth upgrading your Envibe version for.
Our expert panel has pored over the most hotly requested features of Envibe and identified those that received the most votes via our Customer Voice community.
Web cart enhancements

The web cart functionality has been improved throughout 2023.
Kicking off a massive win for web carts, we launched the ability for customers to make use of their discount codes during checkout in your Envibe customer portal. This ensures any special offer discount codes you create through your marketing promotions can be used by customers online, rather than only over the phone or in-person at reception.
In addition, multiple group fitness classes can now be booked in one transaction, saving time by letting customers cover all their booking bases in one fell swoop.
The Course module web cart now lets parents enrol multiple children on the same or different courses in just one web cart transaction as well. Apart from saving time, this cuts out the FOMO involved with enrolling children on courses and paying for each of them individually because a child won’t be left out anymore if the course becomes fully booked.
Streamlining web cart functionality seems to have been high on the agenda of Envibe customers this year with dozens of councils across Australia and New Zealand collectively voting and commenting to request new features. The discount code feature was especially sought after – attracting from 19 different councils or leisure centres on Customer Voice all on its own.
Trigger messaging time-savers

Trigger messaging has been enhanced.
Envibe’s communications functionality was boosted further with the ability to pull through the ‘Next Debit Amount’ and ‘Next Debit Date’ from the customer database into templated trigger messages.
This makes it easy to automate messages to customers who have signed-up for recurring courses, letting them know when they will next be billed, and how much is due.
A ringing endorsement of votes from 11 councils or leisure centres on the Customer Voice feedback portal made this feature a no-brainer to introduce.
Replacement sessions

Parents and class participants can now select replacement classes.
We’ve put the power in the hands of customers to reschedule sessions for themselves or their children if they’ve had to pull out due to illness or a family holiday.
With rescheduling possible via your customer portal, your staff have more time to make sure your other customers’ needs are taken care of.
With a total 11 votes from councils and leisure centres, this was clearly a pain point the Envibe community wanted a solution for.
Group fitness improvements

A new watchlist feature has been added.
The last, but definitely not least, brainchild of one of our savvy users is the introduction of a ‘watch list’ to alert customers when someone pulls out of a group fitness lesson they are interested in, allowing them to take advantage of the vacant slot.
This feature, introduced in August, texts customers who have signed up for the watch list to notify them if anyone registered for the class has cancelled their booking.
The first person in the group of keen customers to click a confirmation link in the text message gets the vacant spot.
Knowledge is power! Nine votes from councils, gyms and leisure centres in our Customer Voice community brought this enhancement to life.
Are you missing out? Make sure you’re on the latest version of Envibe!
To take advantage of all these fantastic features simply email our friendly support team to upgrade to the latest and greatest version of Envibe and enjoy all the extra bells and whistles.