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When the software you use to manage your leisure centre, aquatic facility or fitness club is working well, you don’t need to think about it. It does what it’s supposed to do efficiently without a great deal of time and attention.

But when leisure management software isn’t working properly, choices need to be made. Is an issue minor enough that you can live with it and find a fix later, or does it need to be resolved straight away because it’s affecting the administration of your business?

Envibe can make routine configuration errors a thing of the past with its built-in Sanity Check, which enables administrators to check if courses, classes and products are set up correctly, and makes the support team aware of any issues with Envibe before users come calling.

What is a Sanity Check?

Envibe’s Sanity Check is a powerful diagnostic program that analyses how your system is set up and identifies any errors or conflicts. It then provides information to administrators and the Jonas Leisure support team so any issues can be resolved quickly and efficiently.

Why does Envibe need a Sanity Check?

People don’t always set up courses, classes and products correctly in the system. Staff need freedom to learn, but poor configuration can result in inefficiencies.

Cutting corners during setup can also lead to ongoing issues in the long run. If data isn’t entered correctly, or options aren’t configured correctly, this may mean your system runs less efficiently, or doesn’t work the way you want it to. Finding the root cause of an issue can be challenging, especially in businesses where multiple staff are handling administration.

As an example, it’s all too easy to make typing errors when entering email addresses. But if a staff member uploads contacts with invalid email addresses to a class, the Sanity Check will let you know so the email addresses can be corrected.

Regular sanity checks can also identify basic errors in setup and highlight issues like settings changes that have rendered code invalid before they become a problem. Using this feature will keep Envibe running smoothly, and help leisure centre and fitness administrators upskill to work hassle-free rather than living with ongoing technical issues.

What is Sanity Check used for?

Sanity Check can be used as a broad check to identify incorrect configuration across the whole system, to drill down into specific parts of the program, or even identify issues with specific bookings or classes.

For instance, if a staff member has set up multiple classes in the same space in your facility at the same time, the Sanity Check will alert you to make sure this was intentional and the space hasn’t been double-booked. If a location is not set for a group fitness class, it will flag this as well.

Identifying issues in this way can eliminate conflicting bookings and lost leads, and routine errors can be overcome rather than endured. Sanity Check is useful in identifying issues right up to coding level. Ideally, you’d be working to achieve a clean sheet every time.

The benefits of shared information

Envibe’s Sanity Check increases visibility and efficiency for administrators, managers and support staff. If an issue with the system setup does arise, or you need advice on how to resolve an issue, Sanity Check means the Jonas Leisure support team can be aware of what the problem is straight away without the need for lengthy explanations.

In this way, it can save valuable time in trying to analyse the cause of an issue over the phone or by email. This results in better customer support and quicker resolution of issues in addition to helping administrators identify and resolve things themselves.

If you are interested in learning more about what Envibe can do for you, please feel free to contact us directly.