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Have you ever wondered just how many members walk through your doors each day? Or how long they like to spend exercising in your facility? It’s essential to understand how your customer interacts with your business. This knowledge will help inform your decisions and make their experience better than ever. Curious? We have three top tips to understanding your client interactions by using your member engagement software.

1. Track exactly who is using your facility

With so many members walking through your doors, how can you possibly keep track of them all and know exactly who is interacting with your facility at any particular time of day? Who are your early birds ready and waiting as you open? Who are your efficient lunch time visitors? And who are your night owls powering on right up to closing time?

Envibe’s innovative interactions feature allows you to track the visitors who enter your facility as they scan themselves through the access control gates. With this feature you will be able to determine busy times in your facility and make choices accordingly. For instance, if you identify 5 P.M. as a peak time, you may decide to allocate more staff members, acquire more equipment, or add more group fitness classes.

Understanding who is interacting with your facility and when will help you build stronger customer relationships, analyse trends, and proactively work towards improving their experience.

2. Decode how long they spend in your facility

How long do your customers like to spend in your facility? Maybe they like to pop in for a quick thirty minute pow-wow workout. Perhaps they prefer to stretch it out in a forty-five minute class.

With Envibe’s interactions feature, you will clearly see in colour code just how long each guest spends in your facility after passing through your entrance control gates. Once they arrive, your member engagement software will mark them in green. After they’ve surpassed fifteen minutes their colour will turn to grey, then orange once they surpass forty minutes. After an hour they will be marked as departed in red.

If your guests are attending a group fitness class, they can tag themselves in at either the front desk, through the mobile app, or a kiosk. In Envibe, you will be able to see which members in the facility are attending a class. If you find that many members like to regularly attend the class, then from here you can make an informed decision to add more group fitness classes to your schedule to supply the demand and create value for your members.

3. Sign up non-members upon entry with your member engagement software

Not a member? Not a worry! From your Envibe interactions module, you can easily register new members so that your guest can go on to enjoy your facility on a long term basis. The more the merrier, we say.

Customers crave convenience in the busy world we live in. We need to make administration processes fast and simple for them so that they have zero hassle and can start enjoying your facility, quick smart.

This is just one of the powerful features we have to offer at Envibe. For friendly advice and information on how we can help you, please feel free to contact us directly.

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